Wednesday, 1 February 2012

i-ENVEX~a piece of art..( ^^,)v

In form five, praise to Allah i’ve gotten a golden opportunity to join in an international engineering invention and innovation exhibition (i-ENVEX) at Perlis on april 2011. It was held at UniMap,Perlis. My beloved school Tesmal sent two teams to participate the exhibition. One of the team which is being leaded by Amirul b Anang or his glamour name Bonda chose me. I suppose. I don’t sure either..i prepared a diagram to show you ‘bout the would be less boring..hehe..
Let me introduce my team first. Our team consist of 4 persons. Leaded by Mohd Amirul b Anang a.k.a BOnda and the members are fahmi, haziq and of course me..^^

-Mohd Amirul B Anang
-the leader in the group.
-gives idea on inventing the gadget.

-Fahminuddin B H.Nizam
-member of the group.
-also helps in inventing the gadget and the banner.

Mohamad Afiq Haziq B Razali
helps in designing the gadget.
design banner for the  group.

-Nur Atikah Bt Hashim
-the represent the gadget.

The gadget that our group presented during the exhibition which won Bronze medal..

         Our gadget named ‘Two in One Product Solar’ was design to perform multi-function. It was invented focus to filter cigarette smoke into odourless smoke and to be used as a portable charger for handphones,mp3 player and cameras. This gadget is environmentally friendly as it used charcoal and cotton wool which is being soaked with vinegar to remove odour from the smoke. Meanwhile, Pandan leave is used to gives out good fragrance. At the bottom of the gadget there was a fan being attach together to suck the smoke up into the gadget and went through the layers of cotton wool soaked with vinegar, charcoal and Pandan leaves. The cigarette smoke will then become odourless and less harmful to others. 

         This gadget was specially design to be placed on tables at the restaurant. It also can be used as the charger as it comes together with various types of charger. On top of that, it also being attach together with solar pane which is used sunlight to generate the base fan and to charge electronic appliances. If the solar energy runs down, for the customer who bring together their laptop can connect the USB wire attached at the gadget to their laptop to supply energy.
         This gorgeous gadget just needed light maintainance. So it would not be a burden for any restaurant owner which would like to use it.

This is the other group. Leading by Ahmad Wafiy B Yahya..the members are Hairi hafiz a.k.a kyle,,haha, Ridzwan a.k.a merah and Khairunisa..

-Ahmad Wafiy Adli B Yahya.
-gives the idea on making their gadget

-Mohd Ridzwan  B Abdul Halim
-helps in making the gadget.

-Hairi Hafiz B Muhaiddin.
-helps in making the gadget.

-Khairunisa Bt Safian.
-introduce the gadget to the judges and booth visitors.

This group won gold medal for secondary school level..

cikit sebanyak sal tips interview for university intake..

Berminat nak masuk UTP??

Mesti ramai yang curious camne laa agaknye interview?? Kebetulan aku ada memohon kemasukan ke Universiti Teknologi Petronas  (UTP). Jadi entri kali nie aku nak ceritakan sikit sebanyak tentang interview kemasukan ke university.
Bila korang dapat tahu je korang dapat tawaran ke mana-mana yang perlukan interview, mula-mula sekali korang perlu bagi cornfirmation samada nak hadir atau tak. Seeloknye hadirkan diri anda sebab x rugi pon kalau nak cuba. Dapat pengalaman camne interview dijalankan. X gune duit pon unless tempat tu jaoh sikit. So, lepas tu pastikan korang sentiasa up to date ngan isu semasa. Orang slalu kata yang interview perlukan pengetahhuan tentang isu semasa but sometimes bley jadi interviewer x tanye sangat pon.. Well kalau nak mohon biasiswa for JPA or MARA of course la tnye isu semasa kan? Satu lagi tips ialah korang kne buat x malu and outspoken.. Jangan segan silu plak ye?
So  sekarang meh dengar cite ak yang pergi interview untuk UTP..btw..aku xtau camne interview yang laen ek..mungkin proses yang berbeza..

Pagi2 aku bertolak dari rumahku di Sungai Siput (U) well actually my former house as I had been moving out to a new place at Sitiawan, Perak. Dari Sg.Siput ke UTP yang terletak di Tronoh hanya 45 minit by car so bukan satu big problem laa for my dad to drive me there. Sesampai je kat UTP, unfortunately da penuh orang beratur..and to be worst almost of them are men! Whoa..aku nie xde la berani sangat tambah-tambah I barely even know them! Come to think again, it doesn’t too bad actually. Everyone just queue up without saying anything…haha.. aku bet sume orang nervous..tapi  bila aku beratur di tengah2 mereka yang lelaki nie (ade dua tiga orang je perempuan) aku tiba2 rase aku nie adalah makhluk kerdil yang teramat laa ‘rendang’!!huhuk.. sume orang matured blake!hua2..

So, dipendekkan  cerita..aku masuk dalam dewan auditorium and dengarlah ucapan perasmian dari a few well known people  I guess..and ade a few prof dari bidang course berbeza naik ke pentas and explain briefly about their course  and what we will be few years ahead of the studies.. Well,menarik jugak bila dengar.. for korang punye information, untuk tau samada job yang korang idam-idamkan laku or not..try bukak website jobstreet Malaysia okey?
Okeylah..panjang la plak jadinye..kita stret ke how the interview was done key?
Mula-mula korang akan dikumpulkan di bilik persediaan or preparation room where there are few tables already being places. Atas meja tu dah ade cases yang telah disediakan untuk korang kaji and dah disediakan satu suggestion solution untuk korang. Korang kene agree or disagree tentang suggestion tu tapi kene bagi sebab yang kukuh and munasabah. Besides korang bley juga kemukakan cadangan and pendapat korang sendiri. Bear in mind, yang nie individu key?? Seeloknye speaking in English sebab everything nowadays required soft skills..soalan pertama nie berbeza bag setiap xbley berbincang..tapi aku tibia je tanye cikit2 akak sebelah..key..jangan ikot my act okey?haha..

Proceed to soalan kedua, korang akan diberi  another soalan yang bley dikaitkan dengan soalan pertama. Tapi kali nie korang kene berbincang dalam kumpulan spontaneously in English key? Kene berbincang depan dorang and anggap dorang carry on dengan pe yang korang nak bincang. Lebih kurang mcm muet laa.. bley survey youtube key? Bila da abez discuss pe solution terbaek korang WAJIB capai kata sepakat. So kene la terima pendapat orang lain. Masa perbincangan nie korang kene jadi super active!!ckap bnyak2 and bagi pendapat BUT korang kene jugak dengar pendapat orang lain sebab masa nie interviewer akan nilai korang dari pelbagai segi antaranya curiousity, well behave, outspoken, berani, bernas dengan pendapat, kerjasam and bley bertolak ansur ke tidak..
Satu lagi korang tak boleh laa gabra x pasal2 plak ae? Be cool dear..everything gonna be juz fine..bukan interviewer tu ngap korang pon!!haha..

So tu laa sikit2 sal unterview UTP yang aku hadiri.. aku mohon ict course sevagai pilihan pertama and Alhamdulillah dapat tapi malangnye mahal sangat fee dia jadi aku tolak aje laa tawarannye. No worries then, at least aku dapat pengalaman on how interview being conducted. ^^
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